Balancing Hormones Naturally
7 Helpful Tips That Will Keep You Energized and Combat Fatigue

7 Helpful Tips That Will Keep You Energized and Combat Fatigue

This may sound familiar.   I worked long hours as a business owner, mum, and a self-confessed ‘workaholic’…juggling work, and home…plus, I had a great relationship with sugar and coffee.

Sugar and coffee got me through my busy days and my fatigue.

Looking back, I realize that this lifestyle was unsustainable and it was taking a toll on my health and well-being.  At the time I didn’t recognize the early signs and chose to ignore symptoms leading to complete burnout and chronic fatigue.

Illness after illness, I was confronted with the effects of chronic fatigue.

My relentless attitude, which caused my burnout in the first place, meant that I wasn’t going to just accept this fatigue and become a statistic.


I was sick and tired of being SICK and TIRED


Determined to recover and get my life back I took a holistic approach and coached myself back to health.

Slowly and gently I introduced small changes and found a powerful ‘Wellness Program’ based on making SIMPLE HEALTHY UPGRADES to key lifestyle areas.

I began to feel a positive difference on my path to recovery and formed this health blog to help support others on their path to increase energy, reduce fatigue and feel better than ever.


7 Helpful Tips That Will Keep You Energized and Combat Fatigue

In this blog post, I will outline some simple effective ways to combat fatigue and give you helpful tips that will keep you energized


Fatigue can really affect us in a very negative way.

It will not only make us feel tired but it will also make us feel stressed out and less energized to do certain tasks in our house at our work or to simply manage our day.

And, you have to remember that stress is one of the major causes of many diseases, which you really want to avoid having.

Many medications can contribute to fatigue. These include some blood pressure medicines, antihistamines, diuretics, and other drugs. 
Fatigue is a common symptom of many illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, anemia, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea. If you feel unusually tired please talk to your doctor.


Here are 7 Helpful Tips That Will Keep You Energized and Combat Fatigue

So, how can you fight off fatigue?

For starters, here are some simple changes in your life that can really help you fight fatigue and feel more energized throughout the day even if you are currently taking medications.


1. Eat well with quality to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

The term “Food as medicine” has a proven powerful natural approach to health and healing.
Eating healthy, clean, whole foods that are low in sugars (glucose), low in anti-inflammatory foods, and rich in nutrients.
Many nutrients in food promote health, protect your body from disease and help support our bodies to heal.
Eating whole, nutritious foods is important because their unique substances work synergistically to create an effect that can’t be replicated by taking a synthetic supplement.
Today more common than not, we seem to have a larger portion of our total daily intake come from nutritionally DEPLETED foods –  these depleted foods are highly processed, foods that have been sitting in storage and/or traveled a long way from where they were grown.
These common foods can also have synthetically derived flavors and preservatives added to make them look good and extend their shelf life or worse they have been stripped of vital nutrients.
Unfortunately, this is what many of us call food today…can we even classify these as real food anymore???

I truly believe, It’s time we think about our food choices for both our health and healing not just to eat.


There has been a huge body of research confirming that many common chronic diseases, for example, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hormone imbalances, and many cancers, are directly linked to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Long gone are the days when we didn’t have to pay much attention to what we ate.
Unfortunately, the world has changed; we’re now more vulnerable than ever before and it seems so much harder to find quality, convenient fresh fruits, and vegetables.

What and how we eat matters to reduce fatigue.


You may have heard that good nutrition fuels our body, increases energy, and supports our brain and gut to help towards improving our health and well-being through.

But there seems to be a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about diet in our society.  Which has led so many away from the simple principles of good nutrition.

Nowadays, it is more challenging and expensive to eat a complete highly nutritious meal.

Combine it with the poor quality of the produce that reaches our table, you have to consider that we are NOT really giving our body the proper amount of nutrients it needs.

by supporting our bodies with natural food supplements you can provide your body with the number of nutrients it needs in order to function normally.

For starters, you may want to start eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables.


Juice Plus Complete

Here’s an easy solution to get a convenient 20 different fruits and veggies all in a simple delicious smoothie

This will not only make you feel more energized and give your body the fuel it needs to burn in order to provide energy for your body, but it will also boost your immune system.

You also need to choose high-quality protein to add to your diet. This means that you have to start eating fish, beans, nuts, and soy products as these foods are good sources of high-quality protein.

Instead of eating red meat which is also a good source of protein, you may want to substitute it with chicken and fish meat as these meats contain less saturated fat and more omega 3, 6, and 9.


Boost your quality omega intake(no fish harmed)

Juice Plus Vegan omega








We live in a world where people are overfed and undernourished.

There is a global epidemic of obesity and health-related diseases and if we don’t change, our kids and grandkids, etc won’t have much of a quality of life.

Let’s take our power back.


Joining a community of health & wellness experts for education, guidance, and support.  Together we can make a change for the better.

2. Exercise and movement to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

We are often told that’s it good to exercise and keep fit for our health and for fighting fatigue and extreme tiredness

The easiest thing I can do when I feel tired from my Chronic Fatigue is to NOT exercise and NOT move.


But that is the worst thing I can do…

It’s a constant fight with the mind. “You’re tired…Sit Down…Rest…Sleep!”

That is what my mind is telling me daily.


The benefits of exercise are too good. I know from my own experience that these days of extreme tiredness are the days I must fight my mind and make an effort to move. This can be a walk around the block, some yoga, weight training, cycling, etc.

Anything that lifts up my heart rate a bit and gets my muscles working. About 10 mins into my exercise routine, all the while fighting with my mind that’s saying ‘STOP’…Sit Down…

This is when I start to feel the energy surge and energy increase through my body…and the real bonus is that the exercise increases my mental and physical energy levels for the remainder of the day.

I personally try to keep up a basic level of 30-50 mins of active Purposeful Powerful Movement daily…the first 10 min is always the hardest, but it gets easier as time goes on.

Plus the overall natural energy boost from exercise is present for most of the day.

Although exercising can make us feel tired or fatigued, you will find that it can gradually increase your energy level.

Aside from keeping you healthy, it will also prevent you from feeling fatigued as you go on with your everyday life.


But… I can hear you saying,

but…I’m too tired, I’m in too much pain,

I’m exhausted, It hurts,

I can’t afford a gym membership or a trainer and I can’t even leave my house…



You may want to start exercising (gentle exercise to start).  It will not only be good for your health, but it will also boost your energy level, which will eventually keep you from feeling fatigued.



The power of mindful movement and the benefits of movement practice (for example, yoga, meditation, swimming, walking, etc) has a lot of evidence that it could work well for you if you’re recovering from an injury, experiencing chronic pain or headaches, needing to improve balance & flexibility, and being diagnosed with a chronic disease or disorder.

Regular practice of gentle movement can improve your strength, flexibility, balance, and aerobic conditioning, and it can help to calm your mindhelp with the reduction of stress and anxiety and help reduce toxins in your body.

Many studies have looked at how gentle movement practices impact people who have chronic illnesses and disorders.

Overall, the main outcome of adding a gentle movement practice to your life if you are experiencing a chronic illness is that your quality of life improves.




Well, by exercising adequately, you will be able to provide more energy to your body. After exercising, you will feel a lot more active and energized than ever before.

In fact, you will feel as if you are ready to take on the daily challenges that you face in your daily life with ease.

Aside from making your body better looking and also healthier, exercising will boost your energy levels. It will also help in boosting your immune system.


3. Supplement well naturally to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

Bridging the gap between where you are now on your health journey and where you want to be. Juice Plus is simple nutrition from 30 different fruits, veggies & grains in convenient capsules, chews & shakes.

Fruit and vegetables provide your body with important phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Experts recommend a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. To be honest, that is not always easy to achieve.

Juice Plus+ can bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you actually eat every day. Whole fruits and vegetables, fresh from the fields provide the basis.

This is confirmed by numerous scientific studies

Put Juice Plus+ to the test. Click here to see our products.


Here’s My Personal Juice Plus Experience

My personal experience of using Juice Plus products was life-changing for me.

My story starts a bit over 4 years ago.  I was so fatigued that I required at least 2 hours of sleep during the day to function.

Now, when I say function… I was actually struggling with Chronic Debilitating Fatigue from my Cancer Diagnosis and it was affecting me not only physically but emotionally.

I was already using a lot of high-quality, expensive synthetic supplements to support my health. But these didn’t help.

7 Helpful Tips That Will Keep You Energized and Combat Fatigue

My Story


Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

It was about 2 weeks after starting the Juice Plus Fruits and Vegetable Blend that I noticed that I was sleeping less during the day and was feeling clearer in the head.

Another 2 weeks passed and I noticed I was only needing a short 30min rest during the day and my overall energy had improved.

Another 2 weeks passed, and I was back to walking every day…and recovering from these walks.  My mental clarity was great.  I was only having a rest a few days a week.

As the weeks went by I continued to slowly but surely improve and I also noticed that I began to NOT wake up every day feeling like I had a full head cold.

It’s been a bit over 4 years since I started Juice Plus, I no longer feel like I am fighting a head cold every day,  my overall energy has massively improved, my immune system is stronger and for me the most important thing is…

My bad blood markers have improved by almost 50%  …even my specialist is impressed with my results.

I still have a long way to go to fight my illness, but I can honestly say I couldn’t have done it without Juice Plus+ in my life.

I now use the Protective Plus combination and NO synthetic supplements (which I was spending hundreds of $$$ on without helping my fatigue or illness)


So for me, It was a no-brainer, especially being natural.


Juice Plus+ capsules were introduced in 1993 when most scientists and health professionals were only beginning to understand the importance and power of whole-food nutrition.

  • Juice Plus+ is not a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables.
  • Juice Plus+ is not a medicine or treatment.
  • Juice Plus+ is NOT a Vitamin or Mineral Supplement.
  • Juice Plus+ CAN help support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins – along with other antioxidants and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables

Click here to try Juice Plus+ Today



4. Drink more water to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

You should also drink plenty of water. You have to remember that dehydration can cause fatigue.

You should also keep in mind that water is essential in order for you to energize your body. Our body needs water for energy and it will also remove harmful toxins inside our body.

So, never try neglecting your 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.

Drinking plenty of water can also help you treat fatigue. You have to keep in mind that water is needed for providing our body with energy.

It will also help remove harmful toxins from our body, which is known to contribute to stress and other illnesses.

So, avoid dehydrating yourself by keeping a bottle of water handy wherever you are. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day in order for you to keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the day.

Clean water is essential for all life, for drinking, cooking and other daily uses like bathing, brushing, washing clothes, etc.

The regular tap water being supplied in your home might seem clear, but some tap water supplies may hold various sorts of health-affecting bacteria and viruses such as fluorine compounds, chlorine, mercury, lead, pesticides, and other types of waste particles.

More About Water…

Tap water is a limited resource that is often chemically treated to obviate various types of harmful viruses or bacteria available in it.

That’s why it’s important you fill your body with clean, pure water. By drinking cleaner, better water, you’ll reap all sorts of benefits you may not know about.

Try using a water purifier and feel and taste the difference.


5. Reduce your daily stress to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

First of all, you need to understand that the adrenal glands produce hormones, such as cortisol, estrogen, adrenaline, and testosterone in order to regulate the body’s response to stress.

For example, if we are under a stressful situation, the adrenal glands release specific hormones in order for us to effectively deal with the stress.

However, when we subject our body to extreme stress constantly and we don’t eat the right kinds of food, we will usually force our adrenal glands to overproduce certain hormones.

In time, the adrenal glands can eventually wear out in exhaustion.

This is when we will experience adrenal fatigue.

Sufferers from adrenal fatigue will feel extremely tired for no reason at all.

They will often crave caffeine and sugary snacks in order to keep their energy levels up and they usually feel stressed all day that they eventually cannot function normally in society.


Signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Body aches
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Loss of body hair
  • Skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation)

See more in this article by The MayoClinic


What can you do to support your Adrenals?

The first is by eating a healthy diet.

You have to remember that adrenal fatigue is mainly caused by poor diet and lifestyle habits.

By giving your body the proper amount of nutrients it needs, you will be able to get the adrenal glands to function normally again.

You should also remember to make better choices with the food you eat. Instead of white bread and processed foods, you should go for high-fiber or non-processed grain bread and vegetables.

Whole grain bread is made with the whole original kernel of grain. This makes it a much healthier option than white bread, which goes through a refining process that removes the bran and the germ — the two most nutrient-rich parts of the grain.


Try to avoid sodas, energy drinks, and any beverages that contain caffeine as these things can stress the adrenal glands more.


How does adrenal fatigue affect us?

As you can see, experiencing adrenal fatigue is really a very bad thing as it affects our daily life. It will prevent us from doing certain tasks at work and it will also affect our personal life.

Adrenal fatigue can also resort to other disorders, such as diabetes, obesity and even allergies.

Although lifestyle change may be impractical and you can never really treat adrenal fatigue overnight, here are some ways on how to effectively treat this disorder and prevent it from becoming any worse.

Through these treatment options, you will be able to feel more energy and also feel less tired.

Lastly, you should get regular exercise.


As mentioned above, exercising will help reduce stress levels as it will enable your body to produce endorphins, which make us feel good.

However, you should always keep in mind to avoid over-exercising as this can contribute to adrenal fatigue.

These are the things that you have to remember about adrenal fatigue. By following these tips, you will be able to effectively prevent adrenal fatigue or at least treat it or lessen its effect on your body.


6. Shallow breathing to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

Breathing is another important factor if you want to fight fatigue.

A lot of people take in short and shallow breaths, which will reduce the amount of oxygen taken by your body from the air while making your lungs and heart work harder.

Practicing proper breathing will prevent your body from getting tired. So, instead of taking short and shallow breaths, try to breathe long and deep breaths.

Keep in mind that you have to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Read this article from Medical News Today How to breathe properly for better health



7. Quality Sleep to keep you energized and combat fatigue.

Sleeping is also an important factor. Always go to bed on time and have at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

You should also prevent oversleeping as this can also cause fatigue.

With the proper amount of sleep and the proper time for sleep, you will be able to feel more energized every time you wake up in the morning.

Having enough sleep is another key to treating chronic fatigue. It is recommended that you sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a day in order for you to replenish lost energy in your body. If you do get enough sleep, you will feel rested and feel more energized when you wake up in the morning.


Some habits that can improve your sleep health:
  1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep.
  2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed, and reduce sugary foods, and drinks at night.
  3. Reduce caffeine intake by early afternoon.
  4. Create a restful environment. Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet.
  5. Limit daytime naps.
  6. Remove electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smartphones, from the bedroom.
  7. Include physical activity in your daily routine.
  8. Manage worries.


These are the things that you have to remember about treating fatigue and exhaustion. As you can see, making small changes in your life can really help you treat fatigue and everyday tiredness.

There is a global epidemic of obesity and health-related diseases and if we don’t change, our kids and grandkids, etc won’t have much of a quality of life.

Let’s take our power back.

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“This Blog does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial your emergency number.

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