Balancing Hormones Naturally
10 Easy Ways To Fight Fatigue And Boost Energy Naturally

10 Easy Ways To Fight Fatigue And Boost Energy Naturally

Life has become a pressure cooker from which there seems to be no escape. It’s even tougher if you don’t have enough energy to cope with the increasing demands placed upon you.

When you lack energy.

Every task seems like you are walking through cement and you’ll constantly feel like you’re behind the 8-ball.

The good news is that with a few tweaks to your lifestyle, you can boost your energy and fight fatigue.




Younger people have more energy.  Just look at how young kids keep running around while older people groan just getting off the couch.


People who are driven and have a clean active lifestyle tend to have more energy than those who would rather vegetate in front of the TV than do anything else.  


When hormone levels are out of balance, your body produces less energy.  Causing, you to have fatigue symptoms.


Environments, such as too hot or too cold temperature, excess noise, fluorescence light, bed discomfort, and electronic distractions, can affect one’s ability to get proper sleep.  Causing fatigue symptoms

Foods We Eat

The foods and the potential toxins that we consume also have a direct relation to our level of fatigue.  Nutritional deficiencies can also cause fatigue.


Stress can contribute to fatigue.  Psychological and psychosocial – stress, anxiety, and depression can directly relate to our fatigue levels.


And some chronic illnesses affect our ability to manage fatigue.

Physical – anemia, diabetes, glandular fever, pregnancy, breastfeeding, inadequate sleep, and chronic illness.

So, what can be done to improve my energy and reduce fatigue?


We need to create good habits that lead to better health, which then gives you more energy for your daily life.

So, our goal is to remove as many blockages that are restricting, even depleting energy in your body, and increase those things that aid in improving daily energy levels.


10 Easy Ways To Fight Fatigue And Boost Energy Naturally

Here are 10 Easy Ways To Fight Fatigue And Boost Energy Naturally


1. Clean Up Your Diet

Today it seems a larger portion of the foods we eat, are coming from nutritionally DEPLETED foods

These depleted foods are highly processed, foods that have been sitting in storage and/or traveled a long way from where they were grown.

This food often has synthetically derived flavors and preservatives added to make them look good, extend its shelf life, or are stripped of vital nutrients.

Unfortunately, this is what many of us call food today…if it can be classified as real food at all anymore???

You are what you eat.

If you eat junk food and processed food, you’ll end up overweight and sluggish. These foods are laden with calories and are low in nutrients the body needs.

Too much of a good thing.

It seems like everything these days is “super-sized.”

Eating smaller portions of food is one of the easiest ways to cut back on calories – but it can also be one of the hardest for many people.

What is now considered normal, huge portionsall-you-can-eat-buffets, and extra-large “single servings” of chips, candy bars, and other snack foods can all lead to overeating.

By switching to a cleaner diet, you’ll be consuming nutritious and wholesome foods the body loves.

When we eat what our body needs, it will reward us with the energy we want.

It may take you a while to get accustomed to a new diet, but with gradual changes, it will feel like your new normal and not like a diet.

Instead, a lifestyle change and you’ll be a glowing picture of health.


2. Fasting

The food we eat has a direct impact on how we feel.

Since our diets are high in processed foods and sugar, most of us will experience sugar highs and crashes throughout the day.

One of the best ways to remedy this problem will be to start fasting.

As you build your ‘fasting muscle’, this process will become easy. You’ll discover that you have much more energy and higher alertness when your body is not using up energy on digesting food.


3. Exercise

The more you move, the more energy you’ll have.

Your body was made to move. It may seem contradictory that you need to expend more energy to gain more energy – but that’s just the way it is.

Exercise will get your blood circulation going, encourage lymph flow, and help to flush out toxins from your system.

I know this may sound like a broken record but…

The more you exercise, the better you’ll feel. When you exercise your body will release endorphins that make you feel happier and you’ll experience a ‘release’ that you can’t explain.

But, don’t overdo it.

If you’ve led a sedentary lifestyle for years, start with easier exercises such as a gentle walk and move on to more strenuous high-intensity workouts as your strength and stamina progress.

Regular resistance training will strengthen your muscles and body.

So, daily activities will be less difficult for you. You have more strength and this will help daily activities become easier.

The same can be said for stamina.

With regular cardio activities, you’ll not be out of breath climbing a flight of stairs. Walking around the workplace or at the mall won’t feel like a monumental undertaking.

You’ll have more energy and less fatigue when activity is easier for you.


4. Becoming Fat Adapted

Fat adaptation is a situation where the body burns ketones for fuel, instead of glucose.

Most of us use glucose for fuel.  This is why we feel sluggish and or HAngry when we’ve not eaten or when we’re hungry.

The glycogen levels in our body become depleted quickly, requiring more glucose over and over again.


If you’re fat-adapted, the body will just tap into its fat stores for fuel. You’ll always have access to more energy because your body has lots of fat stores.

Once you do that, your body will use fat for fuel and you’ll not be subjected to the blood sugar highs and lows that come from consuming carbs.

Time to Eat more FAT.

…I can almost hear you saying. “Doesn’t it mean eating more fat will make me fat?”

We’ve been told for the last few decades…cut out the fat!

But,  it hasn’t worked.

Our society has become increasingly overweight and obese since we started removing fat from our diet.

The Benefit of a low-carb lifestyle is using Ketones.  Ketones can be used for clean sustainable energy while keeping your body functioning without increasing blood sugar levels or putting on excess body fat.

How do I start a Low-carb Lifestyle?

One of the major factors to keep in mind when starting your low-carb lifestyle is that everyone has different weight goals, water intake, daily activities, and other variables, so don’t get discouraged with your journey.


5. Hydrate often

Drink 8 glasses of water daily. This is advice that has been repeated over and over yet, so many people don’t follow it.

A lack of water will leave you feeling tired and prone to illness.

Drink PURIFIED water daily.


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6. Detox and Toxic Stress

Besides fasting or going on a cleanse to physically detox your body, you may also wish to go on a mental detox.

Excessive use of social media, watching/reading the news too often, etc. could be taking a mental toll on you.

Very often, these platforms are filled with negative information.

It’s very common to see people debating and arguing on social media. It’s filled with haters and time-wasters, who will drain you of energy.

Debating with them is pointless and will only sap your energy.


We also have Environmental toxins.

The chemical environment’s impact on our energy is becoming critical.

It can be hard for people to limit their exposure, particularly because these chemicals are so readily available.

They’re in the air, water, soil, food, and cosmetic products such as creams and lotions.

Many factors such as our diet (food choices as mentioned above), exercise or lack of, stress or even childhood trauma can affect the outcome of our exposure to certain chemicals.


when we’re regularly exposed, these toxins can accumulate within our bodies, hiding within our organs, deep tissues, and even the brain.

Stop chemical use at home and on our skin.


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Toxic Stress.

If you’re stressed, whether, by your job or something more personal, the first step to feeling better is to identify the cause.

In life, even though sometimes it may not seem possible, there’s always a solution to a problem,

“Not taking control of the situation and doing nothing,

will only make your problems worse.”

The keys to good stress management are building emotional strength, being in control of your situation, having a good social network, and adopting a positive outlook.

The most unhelpful thing you can do is turn to something unhealthy and potentially destructive to help you cope, such as smoking or drinking.


7. Meditation and Relaxation

Meditation and Relaxation are crucial for calming your mind and helping you to de-stress. The world we live in is chaotic.

Meditation and yoga can help you to find peace within.

Yoga is a form of meditation and a great way to relax, stretch and learn to breathe.  Here are 13 Benefits of Yoga

Find a quiet place to just STOP and REST.

Yoga Burn


8. Sleep hygiene

Having good bedtime habits is known as sleep hygiene.

Avoid using digital devices 2 hours before bed.

Have a fixed sleep schedule.

Ensure that your bedroom is cool and dark. You want your room to be conducive to good sleep.

To have energy for the next day, you need to sleep well the night before. Sleep is time for your body to rest, recover and recharge.

Give your body the sleep it needs… and you’ll have much more energy the next day.


9. Power naps

Sometimes, you just need a nap.

Work can get tiring. You may not have had a good night’s sleep.

A 10 to 15-minute power nap in the middle of the day could leave you feeling refreshed and prevent fatigue.

This is easier if you work from home.

Napping in the office might not be possible, depending on your job.


10. Structure And Routine

Structure and routine will give your day-to-day life a semblance of order. This is very important for conserving energy and increasing productivity.

It may seem that structure and routine are curbing your lifestyle, but it’s giving you more freedom in reality.

This is not the military where you follow someone else’s structure.

You get to decide on your routine. So, you can create one that suits you well.

The goal is to simplify your life so that you have less decision fatigue.

When you make fewer decisions in your day-to-day life, you’ll have more energy for other activities.

Increasing productivity

The key to maintaining some measure of work-life balance will be to establish routines and schedules in your life to increase productivity. If your work life is a mess and you’re constantly scrambling, you’ll use more energy to do the same tasks.

You’ll constantly be in a rush and anxious to get the job done.

This will drain you of mental and physical energy.

Your goal should be to formulate a plan with targets and stick to the plan. Do what matters. Do not procrastinate… and focus on the most urgent and important tasks first.

This will help prevent frustration and fatigue from setting in. A rolling stone gathers no moss… so keep rolling.

“The secret of your future is in your daily routine.”

To conclude, these 8 natural methods may not seem mind-blowing or ingenious, but they work – and that’s all that matters.

Once you become proactive and take the driver’s seat in your life, you’ll discover that making positive changes and inculcating better habits will not only leave you feeling more energized but your self-confidence, self-esteem, and sense of satisfaction will increase by leaps and bounds.

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.


To conclude, these 10 Ways You Can Improve Energy Levels Naturally may seem simple enough to understand, but they’re not easy to follow.

It will take you time to implement them effectively. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll notice that you’re a powerhouse and fatigue is a thing of the past.

Start applying them in your life today.




Happy Keto Body is designed by women for women.

Happy Keto Body Can Help You Lose Weight and Balance Hormones.  See here for 9 Benefits of how Happy Keto Body can help.

How Does the Happy Keto Body Work?

Some features of the Happy Keto Body are :

  • Help and Support from an Actual Doctor

    Expert help, advice, and teaching from a Holistic Nutritionist a certified Naturopathic Doctor, and a Dietician – ensuring you’re getting solid medical advice throughout the 12-week program.

  • Designed and Created for Women…

    Unfortunately, so many keto “experts” are men, creating programs for men. You’re a woman, you need someone who knows your body’s unique needs.

  • No Recycled Resources

    Many programs are nothing more than curated content pulled from blog posts and podcasts, then slapped together haphazardly with no real structure. Happy Keto Body is designed, from start to finish, with entirely new content available exclusively to members.

  • Tools and Strategies To Help You Customize Keto for You

    Pinpoint your issues and address your personal concerns and health conditions with tools designed to support you on your own personal, customized journey toward a Happy Keto Body.

  • Training

    Get over 31+ hours of online videos, expert interviews, digital downloads, and group coaching calls, all vital to your success.

Learn how Happy Keto Body can help you increase energy and lose weight fast.



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