Better Energy Naturally
Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy? 14 Reasons Why You Have No Energy

Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy? 14 Reasons Why You Have No Energy

You may have heard a colleague say this or you may have even said it yourself.

Scarily studies have shown that the majority of heart attacks happen on a Monday, just when people are about to go to work.

There’s no denying the fact that you often find yourself happier and more energetic on the weekends, but feel a sense of lethargy and dread when Monday arrives – which explains the term “Monday blues”

Yes the Monday Blues are real.


Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

We too often wear our exhaustion as a badge of honor.

The more we do for our loved ones, the more acceptable it has become to “let ourselves go.” believing it’s okay to “sacrifice ourselves” within our own families.

Why do I feel so tired all the time?

Let’s look at if your job is draining your energy or if there may be other influences.

Let’s look at WHY this could be happening – and if you CAN fix it.


Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy?


Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy? 14 Reasons To Discover

1. Time management

Many people love their job, but they’re torn between their careers and other commitments.

If you’re a working mom, you’ll find yourself having to juggle your job and your many family commitments.

This can be highly stressful and make your job seem even more difficult than it is.

Constantly trying to find a balance between the two will give you frazzled nerves and a short temper.


Side Effects Of Too Much Stress

Prolonged exposure to stress could drain the adrenals leading to a low cortisol state.

This adrenal depletion would cause brain fog, low energy, depressive mood, salt, and sweet cravings, lightheadedness, and many other symptoms as mentioned below.

You DON’T want to have prolonged exposure to stress because adrenal fatigue symptoms can include being tired or fatigued to the point of having trouble getting out of bed.

Experiencing poor sleep,

Feeling anxious

Nervous Rundown.

And gut/digestion problems

At times like these, it’s best to create a routine and some structure for yourself….including some time for yourself to just STOP and BREATH.

This will help with time management and make the process easier.

You may ask your boss to allow you to work from home two days a week, if possible. This will help to ease the pressure on you.

Find ways and means to make your working life easier…this sometimes is as simple as Asking for Help.


2. Difficult Bosses

Some bosses are just unreasonable.

As much as we’d like to believe that all people are wonderful, that’s just a Pollyanna approach to life.

There are bosses out there who enjoy the power trips they get from making their subordinates’ lives miserable.

If you have such a boss, you may wish to speak to them and nip any problems in the bud.

You could ask for a transfer to another department or raise the problem to human resources. Constantly being ‘targeted’ by your boss can leave you feeling demotivated, stressed out, and drained.

You can’t do your job if half your energy is being sucked up by an overbearing supervisor/boss.

This is where you may need to consider if this toxic environment is right for you.

As mentioned above…prolonged stress is damaging to our health. 

Your Health is the MOST valuable asset you have…Look after it.

Can Someone Drain My Energy?


This question relates to difficult bosses…and if you have colleagues with who you are working closely.  Be careful about who you give your energy too.

Energy vampires can drain your emotional energy.

They feed on your willingness to listen and care for them, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.

Energy vampires can be anywhere and anyone…Do you have an Energy Vampire close by?

Are you tired from your work draining your energy or is it an energy vampire?


3. Work Load

Another reason why your job could be draining you of energy is a heavy workload.

It’s a fact that some companies prefer to hire fewer employees just to increase their profit margins.

The existing employees are left to cope with unreasonably high workloads just to get the job done.

If everyone in your department is constantly scrambling and stressed and tired by the never-ending workload, the company has insufficient staff, either purposely or unintentionally.

Unfortunately, this is the case for many companies…but not all.


What Are The Signs Of Burnout?

The symptoms of constant stress and burnout can be a feeling of helplessness, disillusionment, and complete exhaustion.

Are you may be on the road to burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

This can leave you feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest and motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place.

Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful.

Plus, the damaging effects on us physically when our bodies are exposed to prolonged stress. 

Our Adrenals can be effected and this prolonged stress can lead to many health risks and chronic illnesses.


Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy?


4. Is It The Job Or The Monotony?

Sometimes, you may be in a job you love… but that was years ago.

These days, you dread going to work.

You long for change.

Being tied down to a job that is sucking the energy and life out of you. You feel like a bird who has had its wings clipped.

The truth is that people change with time. You may long for growth while your job has you in a stagnant place.

You may have new goals and dreams – but you can’t make them a reality because your job is holding you down.

This inability to realize your true potential can lead to job dissatisfaction.


You may not feel happy or enthusiastic at work.

You lack energy

Do you just lack motivation and purpose? 

Are you tired from your work draining your energy or are you bored?


5. Calling It Quits

Based on the points above, ultimately, you’ll have to decide if you can fix the situation or if it’s time for you to find another job.

If you’re at a company that exploits its employees, quitting it may be the best (healthiest) option.

Remember how prolonged stress can cause physical damage.

If you feel like you should be doing so much more, you may wish to start a ‘side hustle’ and work on your goals while working at your job.

You can use your salary to fund your business or interests.

This will give you the incentive to work and you’ll feel better about it. At the end of the day, it’s not so much an energy issue – but more of an emotional and mental one that is causing your physical tiredness.

Ask yourself why you’re feeling the way you do and what you can do to improve things.

Then boldly and wisely make changes to your life.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Yoga Burn challenge


Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

We looked at some of the emotional reasons why you could be feeling drained at work. 

Let’s look at some of the Physical reasons that you could be feeling tired at work.

Keep asking yourself…Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

Or is it something else.


6. Too Much Sugar And Processed Carbohydrates

When sugar and processed carbs are consumed, they cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar.

This signals your pancreas to produce a large amount of insulin to get the sugar out of your blood and into your cells.

This spike in blood sugar and subsequent fall can make you feel exhausted

Why Do I Have Low Energy In The Afternoon?

We’ve all been there. It’s 2 p.m. and lunch is long over and you’re ready for a nap.

But instead of feeling recharged and focused, you’re ready to curl up in a corner, turn off the lights and take a nap.

No one will notice, right?


How to reduce the 2 pm crash.

Eat A Smaller Lunch

Supersizing that sandwich may be the reason for your midday fatigue. Try switching to a smaller (but still satisfying) lunch and include some of these energy-boosting foods.

Cut Back On Sugar At Lunch

A little sugar may go a long way but in the wrong direction. Consuming sweets can provide a quick boost, but it only leads to a sugar crash that leaves you even less alert.

What does sugar do to my body?


Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy


7. Food Allergies, Food Intolerance, and Fatigue

Symptoms of food allergies and food intolerances are Fatigue, sleepiness, and continued exhaustion.

Although food is supposed to give you energy, medical research suggests that hidden food intolerances or allergies can do the opposite.

Fatigue may be an early warning sign of food intolerance or food allergy.


8. Not Enough Or Poor Sleep

One of the most common (and obvious) causes of work fatigue is a lack of adequate sleep.

So many people aren’t getting enough sleep that the CDC has declared it a public health emergency.

Modern work schedules often force us to override our normal sleep patterns with more than 43% of workers saying regularly feel sleep-deprived.

If you’re just tired at work, a night or two of good sleep will usually fix the problem.

But if you’re experiencing work fatigue, you won’t feel better no matter how much you sleep…You need to look at the cause of your fatigue.

Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy..or is it something else?


9. Take A Power Nap.

Another way to unleash your brain’s natural energy?

Take a power nap.

Researchers have found there are clear benefits to napping, including increased alertness after your nap.

The key is doing it right. In other words, napping for the right amount of time, and at the right time of day.


10. Caring Around Extra Pounds

Gaining as little as five pounds can cause fatigue.

If your body’s carrying extra weight, it’s exhausting.  It also puts extra strain on your heart, which can make you tired.

Drop The Pounds

Stop filling up on junk food, high-fat treats, or large quantities of sweets, and get back to the basics of healthy eating.

Portion control… you may be surprised at how much you’ve been eating.

Start by reducing the amount you have at each meal or use a smaller plate.


11. Move Your Body

Whether it’s spending some quality time at the gym or simply going for a short walk between meetings, regular exercise can do wonders for your health,

your happiness,

your productivity

and energy levels at work.

Researchers have found that people who exercise during normal working hours are more productive at work, even if they technically log fewer hours.

Don’t just sit there, move more!

Even if you exercise regularly, sitting for long periods during the day is unhealthy for your heart.

Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy or have you been sitting too long? Take a lap around your desk hourly.


Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy?  


Why Your Desk Job Can Be So Exhausting

This is the greatest mystery.

How can I spend all day typing at a computer and go home feeling exhausted?

How could merely activating the small muscles of my fingers leave me craving the couch at the end of the day?

So Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy or could it be your desk?


12. Lack Of Sun

Is there enough natural light?

The body can go into sleep mode if there isn’t enough natural light.

Researchers found that feelings of depression, hostility, anger, irritability, and anxiety were highest in the winter and lowest in the summer.

“Get Some Natural Light Exposure”

Bright Light

Sneak out for a 10-minute walk outside at least once during the day or when you’re most tired.

The bright light can have a caffeine-like power to make you more alert.

Get out even if it’s cloudy; you’ll get a lot more light exposure than you do in your office.

If you just can’t get out the door, spending a few minutes in a room that’s drenched with natural light may also help.


13. A Full Breath

When you breathe shallowly (as most of us do most of the time), you aren’t taking in enough oxygen.

What…I’m not breathing, right?

I thought that breathing was just breathing…so what’s the difference?

Shallow breathing…as a result, you’re likely to have lower levels of oxygen and higher levels of carbon monoxide in your blood, which can make you tired.

Plus, when you don’t get as much oxygen in your blood, your heart rate and blood pressure go up.

That’s taxing to your body.

Learn Belly-Breathing

Practice breathing from your diaphragm several times each day.

When you’re feeling tired or you’re about to go into an energy-draining situation like a laborious meeting try putting your hand over your belly button.

As you inhale, focus on making your stomach and chest move.

This will automatically expand your lower lungs so you take in more air with each breath.

Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy or are you not breathing deep enough?

Try some Yoga which is proven to help reduce stress and learn how to breath

Yoga burn challenge

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14. Mild Dehydration

A lot of people are walking around in a mild state of dehydration….could this be you?

When you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated and you’ve already lost 2 to 3 percent of your body fluid.

Even this mild dehydration can make you feel tired or lethargic.

Your blood volume lowers, which means you don’t get as much blood to your brain and your heart has to pump harder.

Drinking More Water

Think about when you’re going to drink just like you’d plan your meals.

Try caring a water bottle around with you…aim to drink a bottle during your workday as a (minimum)

To make plain water more appealing, add lemon or orange wedges or make a cup of herbal (noncaffeinated) tea.

Increase your water intake by eating more soup, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy…or have you not had enough water during the day?

Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy


15. Slouching

Poor posture doesn’t just make you look tired, it creates the feeling as well.

When the joints aren’t aligned properly, the whole body has to work so much harder

Poor posture places excess strain on your back and hips, which can make you feel tired and achy.

Good Posture

How to tell if your posture is correct?

Whether you’re moving, sitting, or standing still, your head should be lined up over and not sticking out in front of your body, so your ears are directly over your shoulders.

Use Good Posture While At Your Desk

Sitting behind a desk for hours at a time, you could be doomed to a level of neck and back pain or sore wrists and fingers, or all of the above.

Proper office ergonomics include correct chair height, adequate equipment spacing, and good desk posture.

Support your body with good posture, your joints stay comfortable and energetic at work.

Get started making your sitting workstation comfortable with this guide.

Office ergonomics

Try these Stretches regularly (3-4 times) while at your desk.

Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

So, Are You Tired Of Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

Yes, the Monday Blues are real.

We’ve taken a look at if your job is draining your energy or if there may be other influences.

So with the above 15 considered making any changes to regain your energy levels during your work week.

Start with one or two for the week and see how you feel….move to another 2-3 if you feel these items could be causing your fatigue.


Can you fix it?

Keep asking yourself…Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

Or is it something else?

If you have made some of the recommended changes above and after a few weeks of making these changes, you are still feeling your JOB Draining You Of Your Energy may need to make a tough call and consider another career choice.

Your Health Is Important

Yoga Burn

This Is My Story…

My Story

I asked myself the same question. Are You Tired From Your Job Draining You Of Energy?

I worked too much, pushed my body, was always under constant stress, and ate too much sugar.

I just couldn’t break the cycle of fatigue I was experiencing. 

I was struggling!  

I always felt my energy and blood sugar levels crash…

Along with the emotional storm that I was experiencing, happy, sad, angry, and anxious, I thought I was going through early menopause.

I struggled to ignore the fatigue and sugar cravings,

I felt like a prisoner in my own body.  It felt as though I was going to be trapped inside my exhausted, aching, failing body forever.

If you feel that you have made changes and are still experiencing fatigue, please go see your doctor and get a full check-up.  My Story



Happy Keto Body is designed by women for women.

Happy Keto Body Can Help You Lose Weight and Balance Hormones.  See here for 9 Benefits of how Happy Keto Body can help.


How does the Happy Keto Body Work?

Some features of the Happy Keto Body are :

  • Help and Support from an Actual Doctor

    Expert help, advice, and teaching from a Holistic Nutritionist a certified Naturopathic Doctor, and Dietician – ensuring you’re getting solid medical advice throughout the 12-week program.

  • Designed and Created for Women…

    Unfortunately, so many keto “experts” are men, creating programs for men. You’re a woman, you need someone who knows your body’s unique needs.

  • No Recycled Resources

    Many programs are nothing more than curated content pulled from blog posts and podcasts, then slapped together haphazardly with no real structure. Happy Keto Body is designed, from start to finish, with entirely new content available exclusively to members.

  • Tools and Strategies To Help You Customize Keto for You

    Pinpoint your issues and address your personal concerns and health conditions with tools designed to support you on your own personal, customized journey toward a Happy Keto Body.

  • Training

    Get over 31+ hours of online videos, expert interviews, digital downloads, and group coaching calls, all vital to your success.  Learn more about how Happy Keto Body can help you lose weight fast.



Happy Keto Body



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