Balancing Hormones Naturally
Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue, Is Your Gut Making You Tired?

Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue, Is Your Gut Making You Tired?

We live in an incredibly fast-paced world.

Our life is too often rushed our work and personal life is often mashed together in a blur of activity.

Information is streamed at us faster than at any time before in history.  It can feel as if you are running at only two speeds: fast and faster

This was my life…always on the run, always trying to go faster.  Until…  My Story

You may be asking…What can this fast-paced world be causing physically?

  • Exhaustion
  • Chronic Illness
  • Extreme Fatigue


In this blog post, you will discover common causes of extreme fatigue.

These are my finding.  Outlined below are 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue that I have found to make the most impact on reducing fatigue and improving energy naturally.

Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue

Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue


1. Emotional Exhaustion.

Emotional exhaustion can arise when someone experiences a period of excessive stress in their work or personal life.

Unfortunately, when people experience emotional exhaustion, it can make them feel emotionally drained, overwhelmed, and yes fatigued.

Because we are experiencing this emotional and physical exhaustion too often these days.  The speed at which we live can be directly related to these common causes of fatigue.

I know personally how demanding this world can be and how important our energy level is to enjoy life and all its adventures.

Spending every day over the last several years focusing on how to improve my energy levels naturally and reduce the levels of fatigue I experience.

Life is for enjoying and we need the energy to enjoy it.

Another cause of extreme fatigue is toxins, this can be both emotional and physical.


2. Toxins

  • Emotional Toxins 
  • Physical Toxins
  • Environmental Toxins

Having a high toxic burden is a strain on your body, which can be a cause of fatigue.


what you might not realize is that low-level constant exposure to toxins can be far more common and potentially damaging than one high-dose exposure.

As the toxins gradually accumulate in your system.

People can experience symptoms of fatigue, memory difficulties, sleep impairment, eczema, inflammatory conditions, depression, or “brain fog”.


What can you do to reduce toxin exposure?

Here are four steps you can take to minimize your daily exposure to toxins:

  • Filter your water, including the water you drink and the water you use to shower and bathe. Your skin is your largest organ and it absorbs many of the chemicals that touch it.
  • Buy organic whenever possible.
  • Buy clean body products, you can check out the toxin-free body products here.
  • Eat Clean, Eating unprocessed, chemical-free foods is a simple way to reduce our toxins.

These toxins can also be emotional not just physical.

Emotional Toxins can cause Adrenal Fatigue. One of the biggest ways emotional stress makes you sick is by raising cortisol levels.

We will talk more about adrenal fatigue in the next section.


These are my favorite Non-Toxic Essentials for my home.  Easy, Clean, and Affordable.

Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue


3. Stress

Let’s face it!

As mentioned above we live in a fast-paced, stressful world.

We work long hours, juggle many obligations at home and work, and have a to-do list that never seems to end!

All of this affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally.

These can all cause fatigue.

During these stressful situations, your body releases cortisol and other hormones to help overcome the stressor.

Creating the fight-or-flight response.

This is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.

A little bit of stress is not harmful to us but when it’s every day, night, and then everywhere in between.

Things can become a real concern.

Every day, chronic stress can cause or accelerate many serious health concerns;

  • Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders.
  • Abnormal heart rhythms,
  • High blood pressure,
  • Cardiovascular disease, including heart and other diseases,
  • Heart attacks,
  • Stroke, and…..


If you experience chronic stress,  you can deplete your stores of vital stress hormones, putting you in a state of adrenal fatigue.

This can cause that “no energy” feeling you might get after a stressful day.


It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process.

It can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

As you can see constant toxic stress can be physically damaging as well as emotionally toxic

What can I do to stop emotional stress?


Here are 6 simple ways to help relieve stress and anxiety.
  1. Exercise. Our bodies like to move…just don’t overdo it.
  2. Consider supplements.  I recommend whole food Nutritionals instead of synthetic supplements.
  3. Reduce your caffeine intake.
  4. Write it down. Journal your thoughts instead of holding them in to fester.
  5. Spend time with positive friends and family.
  6. Laugh.

I recommend practicing daily stress relief techniques, whether it’s meditation, yoga, or simply going on a walk or taking a relaxing bath.

These are just a few tips that can help support our daily stress levels and help reduce exhaustion and fatigue.  There are many more but, just starting is the key to ongoing good health and energy.


My favorite Meditation / Yoga program is

Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue


Discover 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue, Is Your Gut Making You Tired?


4. Leaky Gut

What is a Leaky Gut and why is this important to consider as a cause for fatigue?

When the gut is “leaky” bacteria and toxins enter the bloodstream. This can cause widespread inflammation and stress on our immune system.

Many symptoms of a leaky gut include:

  • Bloating,
  • Food sensitivities,
  • Fatigue,
  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep issues
  • and skin problems

The majority of the body’s serotonin, a hormone that affects mood and sleep, is produced in the gut.

So gut damage can impair your ability to sleep well.

An unhealthy gut may contribute to sleep disturbances such as insomnia or poor sleep, and this can lead to extreme fatigue.


When your gut is leaky, your immune system is on a constant high alert.


What Can Be Associated With A Leaky Gut?

Today more common than not, we seem to have a larger portion of our total daily intake come from nutritionally DEPLETED foods.
These depleted foods are highly processed, foods that have been sitting in storage and/or traveled a long way from where they were grown.
These common foods can also have synthetically derived flavors and preservatives added to make them look good and extend their shelf life or worse they have been stripped of vital nutrients.
Unfortunately, this is what many of us call food today…can we even classify these as real food anymore???

I truly believe, It’s time we think about our food choices for both our health and healing not just to eat.

There has been a huge body of research confirming that many common chronic diseases, for example, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hormone imbalances, and many cancers, are directly linked to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

And can be associated with damaging our gut health, leaky gut, and toxic build-up.

These toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles that escape your gut cell wall, will enter your bloodstream and set off a cycle of inflammation that causes symptoms throughout your body.

A leaky gut can cause a wide variety of symptoms throughout your body, from:

  • Brain fog,
  • Skin issues,
  • Muscle aches,
  • Joint pain,
  • and of course fatigue.

80% of your immune system is located in your gut, therefore healing your gut is essential to restoring your immune system, reducing fatigue, and improving your health.

It’s about removing the bad, replacing it with good, and repairing your damaged gut!

One of my favorite gut-healing practices is to supplement with whole-food toxin-free Nutritionals and enjoy delicious whole foods low in sugar, gluten, dairy, and high in quality fats.

My favorite is the Fat Fueled Program,

It will show you how to…

  • Slide into fat-burning mode, without needing to go strictly low-carb.
  • Bust through plateaus to create a life you love.
  • Boost your body’s ability to heal, naturally.
  • Liberate your ketogenic life from restriction, macronutrient manipulation, and exercise abuse, and feel hot-dawn sexy doin’ it.

You get with the Fat fueled program.

16 chapters, 157 actionable guides, 324 pages, a mindful meal plan, and over 60 keto, high-fat recipes that are free from wheat, dairy, grains, gluten, legumes, sugar, and low in eggs, nuts, and FODMAPs to uncover your best self by fueling, and healing, with fat.

Plus, you’ll gain access to our EXCLUSIVE FACEBOOK GROUP COMMUNITY with 9,600+ members so you receive support in your transformational journey. Inside this supportive and encouraging group, you’ll discover direct support, resources, advice, and ongoing inspiration 24/7/365.

There are no quick fixes when it comes to healing your gut, and digestion system.

Using the Fat Fueled Program to support the healing and health of your gut to reduce your fatigue, and improve your energy and health.

Fat fueled keto program


5. Vitamin Deficiency Can Be Another Cause Of Extreme Fatigue.

Being tired all the time can also be a sign of vitamin deficiency. This could include low levels of vitamin D, vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, or potassium. 

I found the best nutritional support to reduce vitamin deficiency is using whole-food Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetables.

Taking hundreds of $$$ of synthetic supplements just didn’t give me the same effect as the naturally sourced whole-food Nutritionals from Juice Plus.

They just seemed to absorb easier in my system, give me more energy and there was no fluorescent urine.

I could physically feel the difference within 2 weeks.


Benefits of Juice Plus Whole Food-Based Nutrition

The best way to improve your energy and reduce your levels of fatigue naturally is to eat healthily.

By adding more natural whole foods to our day we can support the healing of our gut health support the improvement of improved energy and reduce extreme fatigue.

I know this first hand and the Natural Juice Plus Nutritionals healthy low-carb lifestyle has made the most impact on my chronic fatigue symptoms.

Energy is the lifeblood of living our life to the fullest.

Sometimes we just need a helping hand.  This is my experience with Juice Plus Fruit and Vegetables.

Juice Plus+ simply puts more of the valuable nutrition from fruits and vegetables back into your diet to improve health and wellness with ease, affordability, and convenience.

Bridging the gap between what we ARE doing and what we SHOULD be doing.

Give yourself a better diet and a healthier lifestyle. Try Juice Plus+.

Juice Plus


Try implementing changes to improve these 5 Common Causes of Extreme Fatigue and start to rebuild your energy today.

Know you are not alone.

Making dedicated changes focusing on improving energy levels and reducing fatigue.  But you are still struggling with your energy levels.


Why Am I Always Tired And Have No Energy?

Now that you have read about my experiences with My 5 most common causes of extreme fatigue.  And you have made some changes for about 2-3 months.


you are still asking why am I always tired and have no energy.

If you are affected by any of these mentioned below, your body will be showing extreme levels of fatigue.

Allergic rhinitis, anemia, depression, Thyroid function, fibromyalgia, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease (COPD), a bacterial or viral infection, or some other health condition.  Make sure to consult with your doctor for more investigations.


7 Reasons For Fatigue In Females?

Why am I so tired? Common causes of women’s fatigue
  1. Lack of enough sleep / poor quality sleep. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep per night, but most women don’t get this amount.
  2. Thyroid.
  3. Iron deficiency (anemia)
  4. Sleep apnea.
  5. Depression/stress…we talked about this earlier.
  6. Diet/dehydration…mentioned above my recommendation is to adopt a diet to support improving your energy levels.
  7. Sedentary lifestyle.


I have mentioned many of these above in more detail, but I will talk a bit more about the importance of quality sleep and living a Sedentary Lifestyle.


Does Sleep Apnea or a Lack of Quality Sleep Cause Fatigue?

If you’re tired but can’t sleep, it may be a sign that your circadian rhythm is off.

However, being tired all day and awake at night can also be caused by poor napping habits, anxiety, depression, caffeine consumption, blue light from devices, sleep disorders, and even diet.

Causes of Fatigue and Sleepiness and How to Fight Them

What is the Circadian Rhythm?

Your circadian rhythm helps control your daily schedule for sleep and wakefulness. If it becomes out of its natural sequence this can cause a domino effect on your energy levels and overall health.


Is A Sedentary Lifestyle Causing Fatigue?

Sedentary can have higher heart rates and lower oxygen consumption than active individuals.

Since the body needs oxygen to transform nutrients into energy, with lower oxygenation comes lower energy. Along with higher heart rates come fatigue.

It’s a lot of extra work for your heart!

The power of movement and the benefits of movement practice have a lot of evidence that it could work well for you if you’re recovering from an injury, experiencing chronic pain, fatigue, or headaches, needing to improve balance & flexibility, and being diagnosed with a chronic disease or disorder.

Regular practice of gentle movement can improve your strength, flexibility, balance, and aerobic conditioning, and it can help to calm your mindhelp with the reduction of stress and anxiety, help reduce toxins in your body, and yes, improve extreme fatigue.

But… I can hear you saying,

but…I’m too tired,

I’m exhausted, 

I can’t afford a gym membership or a trainer and I can’t even leave my house…



Many studies have looked at how gentle movement practices impact people who have chronic illnesses and disorders.

Overall, the main outcome of adding a gentle movement practice to your life if you are experiencing a chronic illness is that your quality of life improves.

I’m always amazed at how much just a gentle walk can improve my energy daily.

Even on those days that my body feels like a ten-tone truck and the last thing I want to do is …any movement.

The power is always in placing one foot in front of the other and after about 10 minutes my body starts to feel lighter, more energetic, and ready to take on the day.

There is also power in yoga movements.  If you find a walk challenging then doing some Yoga Burn from the comfort of your own home for improved energy and mindset is another powerful tool.


Yoga Burn



The term Fatigue is used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. When you’re fatigued, you have no motivation, no energy, and no amount of sleep seems to help alleviate the symptoms of extreme fatigue.

Fatigue is a common symptom of many medical conditions that range in severity from mild to serious.

It can also be a natural result of some lifestyle choices, such as lack of exercise, high stress, and or poor diet.  If your fatigue doesn’t resolve with proper rest and nutrition, or you suspect it’s caused by an underlying physical or mental health condition, see your doctor.

I hope you implement some of these suggestions and start to feel some improvement in your energy levels.

After I started making the above changes for myself it was around the end of my first month on the consistency that I truly started to see the light at the end of the very dark tunnel of chronic fatigue.

Every day is still a constant choice towards better energy or back to high levels of chronic fatigue.  This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix, and then return to old habits that don’t support your health and energy levels.

Make sure to consult with your doctor.


If you have any questions about the above, don’t hesitate to contact me personally.

Here’s to your empowered life of improved energy.

My Story

my story


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“This Blog does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial your emergency number.

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