Better Energy Naturally
16 Easy Ways To Overcome Signs of Exhaustion Naturally

16 Easy Ways To Overcome Signs of Exhaustion Naturally

Suffering from mental or physical exhaustion is not a fun experience.  It can sneak up on you.

You may think you’re doing wonderfully well and then one day you realize you’re not.

I know first-hand how challenging it can be to overcome exhaustion both physically and emotionally and wanted to learn how to overcome signs of exhaustion naturally

Over the past few years of understanding the implications of exhaustion, I use some simple natural techniques to overcome the side effects and symptoms of being exhausted.

Let’s go through some steps on how to overcome signs of exhaustion but also learn how to prevent it in the first place.

After all, prevention is the best medicine of all.


Here are 16 easy effective activities that could help to overcome exhaustion naturally.

1. Track How You Spend Your Time – If you don’t know how much you’re really doing, it can be easy to just keep going 24/7 and never take a break. Take some time to track what you’re doing daily for about a week.  You can use your smartphone to track your activities or you can go old school and carry around a small notebook to record your activities in.


2.  Drop Activities That Don’t Produce Real Results – When you look at the activities you did while tracking, note the things that aren’t really producing results, that is busywork, or that are completely unnecessary. For example, do you go to a lot of meetings? Do you have to go?

Do you spend a lot of time trying to help a relative, friend, or someone else without results? Let go of anything that you can either just stop doing or outsource. Or if you just keep doing it, find a way to put limits on it.


3.  Put Everything in Your Calendar – One reason people get overscheduled doing too much and become mentally exhausted is that they think they’re magic or superwomen. We think we can do 48 hours of work in 24 hours. But, if you started putting everything on your calendar properly, you would see that it’s unrealistic.
First, schedule the must-dos. Then add in family time, date night, friend time, and important “ME” time to your day.

Don’t add anything to your schedule that will reduce these important things.


4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep – Don’t forget how important sleep is. Most adults should seek to get between six and nine hours a night. It largely depends on your genetics how much sleep feels right for you. Work with what you know you need. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, address that issue so that you fall asleep fast and your sleeping time is productive.

To help get used to this process, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day for at least 30 days.

You can start with the least time and work your way up to find out which amount of time works best for you to make you feel rested each day.


5. Exercise Every Day – Schedule exercise time each day. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise. It can be as simple as a brisk walk. You also don’t need to schedule an entire hour. Look at your schedule so that you can determine if you have 10 minutes to walk six times a day, or three 20-minute walks a day.

You can also separate that out into different types of exercise. The important thing is to get up out of a chair and move as much as you can.



6. Eat Right – Enough cannot be stated about eating the right type of food for your body. What you eat often depends on what you need. Ask your doctor to test your blood levels for vitamins and then eat the things you need to avoid deficiencies.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where our soils, diet, and our lifestyle are all leading to a world of vitamin & mineral deficiencies

Try eating smaller whole-food meals throughout the day which will give your digestive system a break, boost your energy, and help you stay more focused.  Choose foods that are closest to their natural state.

Avoid highly processed, high-sugar foods.

See Whole Food Meal Plan 

Balanced Keto Weekly Meal Plans


7. Stay Hydrated – It can be very easy to get dehydrated. Most adults should drink between eight and ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day to stay hydrated. If you exercise strenuously, you’ll need more. Tea, coffee, soda, and sugary drinks (even fake sugar) are all dehydrating and don’t do the same thing as clean, filtered water will.

Take the challenge and commit to drinking enough purified water for 30 days, and you’ll see a huge difference.


8. Take Regular Breaks – When you are doing mental tasks, it’s hard to want to take a break sometimes because there are times when the time is just flying by as you work, and you just don’t notice. But it’s imperative that you take regular breaks. Since the brain works in 90-minute cycles, one way to accomplish breaks is to set up five- to ten-minute breaks every 115 minutes.

Set a timer if you must.

Get up and stretch, go for a fast walk, grab a snack, drink some water, and you’ll come back refreshed.

Maybe try some Yoga Burn.

Yoga Burn


9. Rest Your Eyes – Many people who are using their brains all day tend to sit in front of a computer. Computer monitors are very bad for your eyes. Taking breaks away from the monitor is going to help rest your eyes.


10. Understand That It’s OK to Do Nothing – A lot of smart, busy people tend to be uncomfortable with downtime. They feel as if they’re slackers. But, even if you have a mentally exhausting job as compared to a physically exhausting one, everyone needs to get away sometime. Schedule your yearly vacations and do something…. or nothing.

Even if you just stay home and look at local sites, that’s okay – everyone needs downtime and everyone needs time to do nothing.


If you are currently mentally exhausted due to a project of some kind, and if it’s possible, take a day off on a Friday or Monday, or take two vacation days – one on a Friday and one on a Monday.

Spend that time resting, doing nothing, eating right, drinking water, and just getting yourself back. Then start fresh when you go back to work or school.


What Are Some Signs Of Exhaustion?

  • Lack of physical or mental energy.
  • Inability to stay awake or alert.
  • Accidentally falling asleep, such as when driving or operating heavy machinery.
  • Inability to maintain or complete an activity.
  • Tiring easily.
  • Difficulty concentrating, memorizing or maintaining emotional stability.


What Happens To Your Body During Times Of Exhaustion?


When you’re exhausted, your body produces more cortisol, the stress hormone.

Too much cortisol can cause some of the hallmark signs of Cushing syndrome — a fatty hump between your shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on your skin.

Cushing syndrome can also result in high blood pressure, bone loss, and, on occasion, type 2 diabetes.


Symptoms for when you have too much cortisol?

  • Rapid weight gains mainly in the face, chest, and abdomen contrasted with slender arms and legs.
  • A flushed and round face.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Skin changes (bruises and purple stretch marks)
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Mood swings, show as anxiety, depression, or irritability.


How To Reduce Your Physical and Mental Exhaustion and Increase Your Energy Levels Naturally


There are many activities that you can do to help raise your energy level, whether you need more mental energy or physical energy.

Your mental and physical energy are so intertwined that when you do something to help one, you’re automatically helping the other.


More Ways To Overcome Exhaustion Naturally

10.  Develop a Daily Meditation Practice – Meditation is an important way to help reduce mental stress so that you can focus better.

Not only that; you’ll also learn to be more mindful of everything you do, which will help you avoid exhaustion in the first place, most of the time.


11.  Move Your Body Every Single Day – Moving is something that is so important that even if you have a physical job, you should still find a way to get in more moving in an intentional way.

Even if it’s just a few brisk ten-minute walks, it’s a way to clear your mind and get your blood flowing. Anytime you feel a slump coming on, take a short walk, do some yoga burn, etc.



12.  Keep a Gratitude Journal – Another way to stay energetic, both mentally and physically, is to be a positive person.

Not everyone is positive naturally, but you can start to trick your mind into being that way by keeping a gratitude journal.

Each night before bed, write down three things you’re grateful for.

That will make it the last thing you think of each night.

You can make this even more effective if you use a journal that is also a coloring book. Coloring will soothe your mind and relax you.


13.  Find Your Energy Music – Everyone has positive, uplifting music that they really enjoy, and that makes them feel upbeat.

However, some of it can also make you unproductive, so it’s important to try out different types of music for different activities.

If you think a song you sing to might not be the right one for work, it may very well be just the ticket for your ride home in the car.


14.  Play a Game – Games and puzzles are great ways to have some downtime but are also good for your mind.

Do at least one type of puzzle each day (such as a crossword puzzle) to help keep your brain thinking and to get your mind off other things that are pressuring you and sucking your energy.

Sometimes it’s fun to play a game with another person too, such as a silly fast card game like Uno just to break the pace.


15.  Start a Yoga Practice – One of the best exercises for both mind and body is yoga. There are all types of yoga that you can get involved in.

If you’re a member of Youtube, you can get free videos for beginners to get started.

Alternatively, you can join a class, which is a great way to feel more connected to the world at the same time.

Or try some Yoga Burn from the comfort of your own home.

Yoga Burn


16.  Drink Water and Eat Chocolate – Sometimes, it’s impossible to take time out to do anything mentioned.

If that’s the case, a fast way to improve your energy is to drink water so that you’re hydrated and eat a small serving of real, low-sugar dark chocolate.

If you cannot eat chocolate, another alternative is a crunchy apple or you can get some delicious energy snacks from the Balanced Keto Weekly Meal Plan

Balanced Keto Weekly Meal Plans


It might seem like these activities will take away from the time you need to spend on things you need to do.

But the truth is, the more energetic you are, the easier and more productive you will be.

Start by looking at 2-3 different activities and being consistent with them and then add in another 1-2 activities.  Before you know it a lot of these will become just part of your normal routine.

Helping yourself become far more productive and reduce mental and physical exhaustion exponentially.


16 Easy Ways To Overcome Signs of Exhaustion Naturally



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