Balancing Hormones Naturally
6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally. Does JP Work?

6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally. Does JP Work?

How many times in the last 12 months have you felt...

  • Sick after eating or drinking too much?
  • Depressed and guilty after a big night (or day) on the booze and food?
  • You have been trying to lose the same 5-10kg (11-22 pounds) for years?

I am sure you have heard that you are what you eat and that your immune system is what keeps you healthy!

But did you know that a poor diet is a major factor in your immune system NOT doing its job and exposing you to lifestyle diseases like Type II Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and some cancers?

We all know that we need to eat better and maybe that is you, but are you a little confused about the specific things you need to do?  In this article, there is 6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally


Why Do We Need A Strong Immune System?

Right now in the middle of the pandemic and beyond, you need to stay healthy.

Improving your gut health and strengthening your immune system is a proactive approach to improving your health.

Did you know that about 70% of your immune tissue is in your gut?


Therefore improving your gut health can help strengthen your immune system so that it can work properly to help protect you and your family from infection and disease.

Boosting your immune system starts by understanding what it does and how it works.

I have highlighted some basics on this that explain everything in a simple understanding way.

Once you know how much your immune system protects you, it will be easier to make the changes that may be needed to be made.

6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

I Asked Myself The Same Questions…How Can I Strengthen My Immune System Naturally?

With my journey to regain energy and health.

Why do I feel so tired all the time?

I listened to hundreds of hours of YouTube and podcast shows about other people and how they had healed themselves and researched supporting medical reports and articles.

Taking on hundreds of hours of study and courses.

This all led me to what I know now….

Long gone are the days when we didn’t have to pay much attention to what we ate.

Unfortunately, the world has changed; we’re now more vulnerable than ever before and it seems so much harder to find a quality, convenient fresh fruits, and vegetables.

Now more that ever It really matters what we eat and how we think about our food choices.

Paying attention to what you eat can have benefits beyond your imagination. You’ve no doubt heard the expression “food as medicine.” Yes, that’s part of it….

But as the world advances, so do many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disease, heart disease, hormone imbalances, and yes scarily CANCER.


6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

Here are 6 Steps To Boost Your Immune System In The Fastest Way

It is natural for people to want to know how they can boost their immune systems in the fastest way possible.

The problem is that people only usually take an interest in their immune system when things are not well with it.

If you have been told that you can boost your immune system overnight then this is not true.

Having said that there are several things that you can do to provide a fast boost to your immune system, but you need to be aware that it will take time to see a significant difference.

Doing several different things to boost your immune system at once is the best way to go.

Here are 8 Vitamins & Minerals You Need for a Healthy Immune System

1. Get A Better Sleep Schedule

Something that you can do today to give your immune system a boost is to establish a better sleeping schedule.

You can do this tonight and then begin to reap the benefits of this in just a few days of having an improved sleep schedule.

You need to be getting around 8 hours of quality sleep every night so that you can maintain a healthy immune system.

If you do not get the right amount of sleep then the functions that need to happen in your body to help your immune system will be limited.


2. Cut Down On Your Alcohol Intake

This might not be popular with you, but you can quickly give your immune system a boost by reducing your alcohol intake.

There is a definite connection between drinking too much and regularly and a significantly compromised immune system.

The good news is that by reducing your intake or stopping drinking the damage is reversible.

If you are a consistent drinker and you drastically cut back then you will see an improvement in your immune system as fast as 24 to 48 hours.


3. Practice Good Hygiene

There is no excuse for not practicing good hygiene…especially these days.

When you do this it will significantly reduce your risk of becoming sick. Always wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your face.

Keep your body clean regularly so that you keep bacteria and viruses away.

When you deny harmful pathogens entry into your body in the first place, you will not need a strong immune system because it will not have to deal with anything.

You can never keep bad bacteria out 100% no matter how clean you are so always work on strengthening your immune system.


4. Switch To A Healthier Diet

You can make the transition to a healthier diet fast.

We are not saying that this is easy, but if you want to boost your immune system then it is one of the best ways to do it.

Go for a diet that has a high fruit and vegetable content that is low in sugar and processed foods as this is best for your immune system.

Fruit and vegetables will supply the right micronutrients for a healthy immune system.


If your diet is unhealthy, high in sugar and processed foods – then your immune system will NOT be as strong as it needs to be which means that it will not provide the same level of protection from disease.


6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

5. Get Moving

These days many people lead too much of a sedentary lifestyle. They travel to work sitting in their car. When they get to their office they sit in front of a computer screen for several hours.

Then they travel home sitting in their car and when they arrive home they sit on the couch in front of the TV.

There are two major problems with leading a sedentary lifestyle:
• It can lead to high blood pressure
• It can increase your cholesterol

Your immune system works closely with your heart to form a strong barrier to disease. So you must do all that you can to keep your heart as healthy as possible.


6. Avoid Stress

This is another thing that is easier said than done, but you must reduce the amount of stress that you experience as much as possible.

It is a mistake to think that stress only affects your mental health.

Stress can cause several physical problems as well.

Stress is another thing that can reduce those all-important white blood cells.

If you are stressed then your body produces different hormones faster than usual, and some of these
hormones can impair white blood cell production.

If you are a chronic stress sufferer then this is very likely going to increase your blood pressure levels and also negatively impact your digestive system.

You must pay attention to your mental health as well as your physical health to protect your immune system

Here Are 9 Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally.

  1. Get enough sleep.
  2. Eat more whole plant foods.
  3. Eat more healthy fats.
  4. Eat more fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement.
  5. Limit added sugars.
  6. Engage in moderate exercise.
  7. Stay hydrated.
  8. Manage your stress levels.
  9. Supplement wisely

Some things in life can cause harm to your immune system and therefore your health.  If you indulge in these then you need to stop…or risk the real potential of chronic illness and disease.

Smoking and drinking alcohol are high on the list here which will probably not surprise you.

But there are other things that you need to avoid as well that we cover in detail….could sugar and processed foods be causing weakness of your immune system?

The right diet will provide the nutrients and vitamins that your immune system needs to stay in tip-top condition and work hard for you.

So, if you are eating the wrong things then you need to think about making different choices for the sake of your immune system.

There are natural supplements available that can provide essential vitamins and minerals that perhaps your diet cannot.

When you give your body what it needs, it can fight off the yucky bugs easier.

And by the way… keeping a healthy body will keep your energy levels up and allow you to do more.


6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally


Can I Boost My Immune System with Juice Plus+ Fruits and Vegetables

So… can Juice PLUS+ help in this?

This was the question I asked myself…and I was pleased to experience the benefits firsthand.

Multiple studies have been done to see what the effects are regarding the immune system and nutrients contained within Juice PLUS+.

As you may be well aware… it’s proven that fruits and vegetables provide all the “right stuff” to considerably bolster the immune system.

And of course, one of the reasons I love Juice PLUS+ is… that it is real whole foods concentrated into easy-to-take capsules and chewable….(no synthetic’s here)

Juice Plus+ can help to bridge the gap when you’re not able to get in as many fruits and veg as you’d like to.

Your Immune System Works To Protect You

Most people understand what their immune system does as this is fairly obvious from its name. It works by providing a level of immunity to illnesses and diseases in the different parts of your body.

It is fair to say that the majority of people do not have a clear understanding of precisely how their immune system protects them from viruses.

We believe that it is really important for you to know this so that you can be aware of your reactions to disease and what your immune system requires to continue to protect us.

Your Immune System will give you a Fever

Often your immune system will protect you by giving you a fever. You will probably think that having a fever is a bad thing, but the truth is that your immune system giving you a minor fever can help you a lot.

The first thing that your body will do is to raise its temperature to try and eliminate the virus; this is because the virus will be unable to survive at high temperatures.

This can be quite a dangerous process for you so you must keep track of your temperature to ensure that it does not get too high.


It responds with White Blood Cells

When your immune system detects the presence of foreign bodies in your system it will respond by using white blood cells.

Think about white blood cells as your enforcers – their job is to eliminate any harmful microorganisms that they discover.

Some of your white blood cells will become attached to these harmful organisms in an attempt to make them weaker.

Others will mount a direct attack on the harmful organisms to try and kill them.

The best part is that the white blood cells will learn about the organisms they got rid of enabling you to develop immunity to them in the future.


Inflammation is part of your Immune System

When people are sick they will often find that certain areas of their body become inflamed which is uncomfortable.

We all know that inflammation is not a great experience but it could be a sign that you have an infection as it is an important part of your immune system.

Once bad bacteria get into your system they will use your blood vessels to travel around and spread all over.

Your immune system can make certain areas of your body inflamed so that it constricts the blood vessels located in that area and makes it harder for the bacteria to spread throughout your body.

When your white blood cells notice this inflammation they will respond immediately to try and eliminate the bad bacteria.

You probably think that a lot of the ways your body reacts to sickness are uncomfortable, annoying, and even gross, but this is all part of your immune system protecting you and making you feel better as fast as it can.

So you must do everything that you can to take care of your immune system so that it will continue to protect you all of the time.


6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

If Your Gut Could Talk: 10 Things You Should Know

Does Your Immune System Live In Your Gut?

Did you know that if you feed your gut the right foods it will strengthen your immune system and help your body fight off common infections and diseases?

70% Of Your Immune System Is In Your Gut

A strong immune system helps keep you and your family healthy (after all no one likes being sick!).

Imagine being able to do this by eating the right foods at the right times for you without the need for extra pills, potions, lotions, and medications.

What Are You Eating?

Too many people eat the wrong food these days.

There is far too much-processed food around now and this can cause inflammation in your body.

The best advice is to avoid foods that come in cans or boxes because they are likely to have a high salt and sugar content.

If you eat a lot of junk food then you will need to change your diet to one based on whole foods to protect your immune system.

Sugary foods should be avoided,

as they can damage your metabolism and cause chronic illnesses which will severely weaken your immune system.

Studies have shown spikes in sugar intake suppress your immune system.
When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to get sick.
If you eat a lot of foods and beverages high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, which the body processes as sugar, you may be reducing your body’s ability to ward off disease.

6 Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally


Boost Your Immune System with Juice Plus+ Fruits and Vegetables

So… can Juice PLUS+ help?

Multiple studies have been done to see what the effects are regarding the immune system and nutrients contained within Juice PLUS+.

Fruits and vegetables provide all the “right stuff” to considerably bolster the immune system.

The fact that it is real whole foods concentrated into an easy-to-take capsule and chewable is incredible.

Juice Plus+ can help to bridge the gap when you’re not able to get in as many fruits and veg as you’d like to.

The Food That You Eat Is So Important For Your Body And Your Immune System.

You derive most of the antioxidants and nutrients that your body needs from eating the right things.

A good diet to boost your immune system and sustain it at high levels will always include the right fruits and
vegetables for example.

Your diet needs to provide you with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and selenium.

You are very unlikely to find these in processed foods unless they have been enriched with them.

It is far better for you and your immune system to go for fresh, whole foods. Some good examples are citrus fruits, nuts, and leafy green vegetables.

These foods have high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that you require to give your immune system a great boost.

How To Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally With Food

Affiliate Link

Naturally with whole foods…but you may need some help.  Juice Plus can help bridge the gap.

Are you eating right for your immune system?

Bridge the gap with Juice Plus+

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